Do you want to maximize your chances of admission to SAIS?
We find that candidates who research their options carefully tend to submit the strongest applications. That means understanding why you want to study international relations in graduate school and what SAIS is all about.
Here are some tips:
We find that candidates who research their options carefully tend to submit the strongest applications. That means understanding why you want to study international relations in graduate school and what SAIS is all about.
Here are some tips:
- Read this blog regularly. Self-promotion? Maybe. But we strive in this blog to explain admissions procedures and expectations, while conveying what goes on at SAIS. Those who read the blog regularly have a good understanding of the admissions process and the SAIS experience. You don't need a dinosaur like me to tell you how to stay in regular touch with this blog. There's an RSS feed, and it can also be emailed directly to you when we update it three times a week.
Pop quiz: Which browser has been most popular among readers of this blog since it was launched in 2010? (The winner gets a free Bologna Center tee shirt. Want to play? Send in your answer via a comment below or in an email to
- Ask us questions. We like to speak to prospective applicants. We meet many of them during our travels and in our online information sessions. We are happy to set up phone calls (+39 051 29 17 811) or to speak via Skype (jhubc.admissions). Here are details for the next two online sessions:
- November 26 at 10 am CET (0900 GMT) - letters of recommendation
- December 12 at 4 pm CET (1500 GMT) - analytical essay
If you are interested in participating in either of the online sessions, send an email to, and we'll send you instructions for connecting.
- Consider visiting us in Bologna or DC. We can organize ad hoc visits that include attending a class or two and meeting students and faculty. A great way to get to know SAIS Europe is to attend our annual Open Day, which this year is on Friday, December 6. To register, click here.
Google Chrome
Mayabonobiharini - Right you are. Chrome has been the most popular browser and Windows the most popular operating system. The greatest number of readers have come from the United States, followed by Italy, the UK and Germany. The most popular post was "Looking ahead: the next steps in the admissions process" from February 5 of this year.
You win a tee shirt. Please send your preferred size and mailing address to, and we'll send it off to you. Thank you for playing and reading the blog.
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