Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Quiz: Find the SAIS Europe professor

Today we're throwing down the gauntlet with a quiz that could stump even our best versed readers.

The rewards are great: your name in lights on this blog plus a Bologna Center tee shirt -- a collector's item from the pre-SAIS Europe era.
A SAIS Europe faculty member appears in this photograph as an aspiring undergraduate. Who is the professor?

Need help? The professor is listed among SAIS full-time faculty here.

Send your answers either as a comment below this post or via email to

Nelson Graves


Derek said...

Mark Gilbert

Jenna said...

Mark Gilbert

Unknown said...

Hmm...Professor Gilbert?

Unknown said...

Mark Gilbert!

Nelson Graves said...

Derek Schlickeisen, a current SAIS Europe student, was the quickest with the right answer, nipping several classmates by mere minutes. Congratulations, Derek. This quiz attracted more participants than any other since we launched this blog in December 2010. More than two dozen readers raised their hands, and Prof. Mark Gilbert will be honored to know that most identified him correctly as the mystery prof in the class photo from Durham University. Other SAIS professors who drew votes were Bodnar, Calleo, Cesa, Harper, Keller, Plummer and Rowe.

Now, can you identify which undergraduate in the photo was Mark Gilbert? If you are first with the right answer, we'll send you an autographed copy of his book "European Integration: A Concise History".

Thanks to all for playing.

Maarten V said...

Third from the right, bottom row. Just a guess :)

Maarten V said...

My apologies, by third from the right I meant 10th from the right. Still bottom row. Forgot to scroll to the side.

Unknown said...

third from right, second row from below

Nelson Graves said...

Thank you Maarten and Francesco. But we're still waiting for an alert reader to spot Prof. Gilbert in the photo and to claim the autographed book.

Shichao said...

Fourth from the left, the row closest to the hall?

Nelson Graves said...

Lots of guesses, but only one person has identified Prof. Gilbert in the photograph. Congratulations to Zachary Weiss, a current SAIS Europe student, who sent us an email pointing to "back row, second from the left." Zach -- swing by our office for your book written and autographed by Prof. Gilbert. Thanks again to all for playing.


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