Thursday, February 6, 2014

Quiz: Name that SAIS Europe course

Our most loyal readers deserve a favor.

We'd like to reward every single one of you. But there are limits to our largesse, so just two winners to this quiz.

One prize will go to the first SAIS student or alumnus to answer correctly; the other will go to the first person with no such association with our program.

Each will receive two prizes: a Bologna Center tee shirt plus an autographed print of the photograph by current student Johannes Gartner that won our recent contest.


What is the name of the course taught at SAIS Europe this spring that is based on the work of a scholar who wrote about a war between two leagues?

You can send in your answer in the comment section below this post or with an email to

Nelson Graves


KyleCooke said...

Thucydides On War (Delian League and Pelopenissian League).

Nelson Graves said...

We have our winners. The first right answer came from Boban Markovic, an applicant for 2014-15 who clearly has been reading this blog carefully. He would have found "Thucydides on War", taught by Prof. Marco Cesa, on the list of spring-term courses, a link to which was included in our January 22 post, "A spring cornucopia of courses". Kyle Cooke was the first current student or alumnus to answer correctly. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all for playing.

DeAnna Lee Pope said...

What a cool class. Will there be another contest soon?

Nelson Graves said...

DeAnna - Thank you. We will pass along your compliment to Prof. Cesa. As to another contest, we like to run quizzes every so often. If you have an idea, do pass it along. In the meantime, keep your eye on the blog.


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